Croquet Microverse

The Croquet Microverse Builder is a tool that lets you build shared Metaverse worlds with a few lines of code. It shares some basic concepts with Worldcore, which sits on top of the Croquet kernel.


  • npm create croquet-microverse
  • npm start

Quick Start


This guide will enable you to quickly set up your own Croquet Microverse project. Refer to tutorials in the docs directory for its key concepts and features that let you build shared worlds.


  1. Node.js
  2. Web browser (we recommend Chrome at this time)

Our tools are written in JavaScript and need Node.js to run. In particular the npm command provided by Node is used to install JS packages.

The users of your worlds do not need these tools. Microverse worlds are deployed as static web pages so only a web browser is needed to visit them.

Installation Steps

  1. Create an empty directory for your project.

  2. In that directory, run the following command:

    npm create croquet-microverse

    This will create a ready-to-use folder structure for your project.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a video walkthrough of the steps:


Try your project locally

In the directory you just created, run

npm start

This will start the development web server. In its output there will be lines like:

Running at:

Copy the Network URL (e.g. and paste it into your web browser. We recommend using this URL over the localhost one to be able to join the session from other devices, e.g. your phone.


Deploy your world to a web server

A Croquet app like Microverse is deployed as a static web app. You do not need any special server-side features.

  1. Create a production key at and add a restriction to your target URL. Then create a file called apiKey.js (from apiKey.js-example) and paste your key into the value of apiKey.

You can pick your own appId. We recommend to make a unique appId.

        /* Copy this into a file named apiKey.js */
        const apiKey = '123abcd_Get_your_own_key';
        const appId = 'com.mycompany.myorg.myapp';
        export default {apiKey, appId};
  1. Upload the whole project directory to any web server.

    One simple way is GitHub pages. Check your directory into git, publish to GitHub, and enable pages.

    Here's an example

    Note: you see I checked in my apiKey.js. Unlike server-side API keys, client-side API keys are not a secret. Anyone looking at the code on your website can see it. Instead, it is protected by the URL restriction, it will only work on your own website, not on anyone else's (if they were to copy it).


In your project directory run

npm i @croquet/microverse-library@latest

This will update your package.json and the installed version of Microverse to the latest. Then copy the updated node_modules/@croquet/microverse-library/lib directory again as described above.




The best resource for help in developing Croquet Microverse worlds is our Discord community. The Croquet Discord server is where you can chat with fellow developers, ask questions, and show off your own creations. Join the Croquet Discord server.

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